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Trying to find an adult to attend my youngest son’s fifth grade Moving Up Ceremony was a comedy. It could’ve been titled “Older and Sick” or “Working.”

My daughter was incommunicado. The grandmas were tired and ill. My older son, myself and my ex? We all have jobs! This is the first time in a long time that my older son hasn’t been writing his own work schedule. Oh, the places he can’t go.

Thankfully, my ex was able to attend the ceremony. His most recent workplace is a bit closer to Bethlehem, and that’s somewhat helpful.

I arrived after the ceremony, just in time to watch my boy scarf down two cupcakes. Then, I took him home, and my ex went on his own way.

I realized later, I had a text from my ex. “The ceremony is over, when will you get here?”

I guess he was in a hurry. Or not, since we passed him on our way home.

Still, I was glad my youngest had a family member at his ceremony. I do wish his school was more aware that many parents work. But since he will go to middle school next year, it’s a moot point.

So glad the school year is almost over. We’re in the single digits now. Happy summertime!

By Lani Goins