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Unlocking the world of art at Emmaus High School

Emmaus High School's art department hosted its annual art show May 23 with a wide variety of art displayed for visitors. Artwork displayed included wood burning, textiles, ceramics, porcelains, charcoals, paintings, Styrofoam portraits, screen print transfers, risographs and more. RIGHT: Julia Rose, one of the Emmaus High School art teachers, stands among some beautiful art work during the art show May 23. PRESS PHOTOS BY SHARON SCHRANTZ
Alexis Soboleski is one of four art teachers at Emmaus High School who helped make this event happen.
Katie Preminger, an art teacher at Emmaus High School, stands by one of her favorite displays at the art exhibit.
Veronica Karboski stands with her wood burning artwork at the Emmaus High School art show.
Nay Yang displays the bowls she created at the art show May 23.