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Salisbury police officers interact with residents at Coffee with a Cop at Starbucks, South Mall

Salisbury Township Police Department officers held a Coffee with a Cop community relations event May 19 at Starbucks at South Mall, 3300 Lehigh St.

Salisbury Township Police Department Chief Donald Sabo said the event was held on a Sunday, unlike previous events which took place on weekdays.

“We hoped to provide an opportunity for resident churchgoers to stop by after services and for those who are normally at work on weekdays,” Sabo said. Pleased with the Sunday turnout, he said. “It looks like we were here just in time for a customer surge.”

Residents had a few questions about law enforcement concerns in the township, particularly about neighborhood traffic, but for the most part, residents said they were supportive of township police and grateful for the patrol presence in their neighborhoods.

Coffee with a Cop days are part of a national program dedicated to encourage communication and positive interactions between law enforcement agencies and the public.

The event began as part of National Community Policing Week in 2016, with the mission of furthering efforts nationwide to bridge the gap between the community and the law.

Press Photos by Jim Marsh Lois Douglas, a lifelong Salisbury Township resident, discusses traffic concerns in her neighborhood with Salisbury Township Police Department Lt. Christopher Casey at a coffee with cops community event held at Starbucks at the South Mall.
Salisbury Township Police Department patrol officer Jay Vasilik chats with Emmaus residents Trisha, left and Tammy Faust at a coffee with cops community relations event held at Starbucks at the South Mall.
Emmaus resident Aoibhinn Conway is surprised to have Salisbury Township Police Department patrol officer Jay Vasilik deliver her beverage at the drive-thru window at Starbucks at the South Mall during a coffee with cops community relations event May 19.
Kane Hoffert, of Salisbury Township, sits at the wheel of a police vehicle, attended by STPD Lt. Christopher Casey during a coffee with cops community relations event at Starbucks at the South Mall.
Not all of Allentown's Hill family children, from left: an uncertain Castiel, Abigail and Madison, are enthusiastic about the goody bags given them by Salisbury Police Chief Donald Sabo. Dad, Rob and mom, Mirna, were on a Sunday afternoon family outing with their children when they came upon the police department community relations event at Starbucks.