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Quartet of Troop 71 Scouts fly as Eagles

Macungie-based Boy Scouts of America Troop 71 held an Eagle Court of Honor April 20 for four high achievers at Macungie Memorial Hall, 50 N. Poplar St.

Completing their journey from Tenderfoot to Scouting’s highest level were: Benjamin Wiese, Fisola Oyerokun, Henry Stewart and Benjamin Price. Each completed at least 21 merit badges including first aid, personal fitness and citizenship, as well as a service project before they turned 18.

Wiese worked at the Wildlands Conservancy to eradicate Asian Viburnum, an invasive plant species for his Eagle Project. Several native plant species were purchased and planted.

Oyerokun’s Eagle Project involved laying down pavers in front of the Macungie Memorial Park Amphitheater and power washing its side walls.

Redoing a meditation garden at Chua Linh Quang temple in Telford was Stewart’s service project. He and a group of Scoutmasters, Scouts and other volunteers spread 40,000 pounds of stone over the garden.

Price renewed a Camp Serranova campsite for his Eagle Project. He built a new log rack, benches and replaced the fire ring with a new firepit.

Officiating were Assistant Scoutmasters Matthew Hunter and Warren Ziegenfus, along with Committee Chair Chip Wachob. Eagle Scouts Trey Wachob, T.J. Seislove and Zach Ziegenfus assisted.

State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-187th and state Rep. Milou Mackenzie, R-131st presented the newly-minted Eagle Scouts with proclamations. Fern Roopchand from the office of Congresswoman Susan Wild, D-7th, gifted each Scout with a flag that had flown over the U.S. Capitol.

Family, relatives and fellow Scouts were on hand to applaud the young men’s achievements.

Lunch followed the ceremony.

Of the four 2024 high school seniors, Wiese, Stewart and Price attend Emmaus High with Oyerokun enrolled at Moravian Academy Upper School. They are all college bound.

Press Photos by Ed Courrier Newly-minted Eagle Scouts are, from left: Benjamin Price, Henry Stewart, Fisola Oyerokun and Benjamin Wiese at BSA Troop 71's Eagle Court of Honor April 20 at Macungie Memorial Hall.
From left, Eagle Scouts Benjamin Price, Henry Stewart, Fisola Oyerokun and Benjamin Wiese receive flags from Fern Roopchand from the office of Congresswoman Susan Wild, D-7th. At back is State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-187th. Roopchand noted each flag had flown over the U.S. Capitol.