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NASD appoints four assistant principals

Northampton Area School District is welcoming four new assistant principals, including three at Northampton Area High School and one at Northampton Area Middle School.

The board of education voted 8-0, at the May 13 meeting, to approve Kayla Cowitch, assistant principal, NAMS, effective July 1, at $89,000, with benefits; Stefani Fink, assistant principal, NAHS, effective July 1, at $89,000, with benefits; Randy Burger, assistant principal, NAHS, effective July 1, at $100,000, with benefits; and Jonathan Ortwein, assistant principal, NAHS, effective July 15, at $94,000, with benefits.

In other business at the May 13 NASD school board meeting, school directors voted 8-0 to approve staff hiring and appointments for the 2024-25 school year for Wendy Moreira, Siegfried Elementary School teacher, as a board-certified behavior analyst, NASD, effective Aug. 19, at the salary of $98,087 and benefits to remain the same; Mason Humphrey, NAMS business, computer and information technology teacher, as of Aug. 19, at $61,866, with benefits; Natalie St. Hill, Siegfried Elementary music teacher, effective Aug. 19, at $61,255, with benefits; Carly Suarez, George Wolf Elementary School second-grade teacher, effective Aug. 19, at $62,477, with benefits; Victoria Rice, Lehigh Elementary School second-grade teacher, effective Aug. 19, at $69,859, with benefits; Tanner Barr, NAMS special education teacher, effective Aug. 19, at $62,055, with benefits; Erin Vaccaro, George Wolf Elementary nurse, as of Aug. 19, at $61,255, with benefits; Rachel Thornton, George Wolf kindergarten instructional assistant, effective Aug. 19, at $20.13 per hour; Amy Dritt, Moore Elementary School fifth-grade instructional assistant, as of Aug. 19, at $20.13 per hour; Michael Renner, NASD 12-month school police officer, July 1-June 30, 2028, at $68,640; Peter McAfee, NASD 10-month school police officer, July 1-June 30, 2028, at $52,800; and Jason Williamson, NASD assistant business administrator, as the school board treasurer, effective July 1-June 30, 2025, at no additional compensation.

Other approvals included the revised list of professional and support staff transfers, effective in the 2024-25 school year; 2024-25 fall season head coaches and assistant coaches with designated payments, for July 1-June 30, 2025; instructors for community education classes, with stipends, for the summer session of the 2023-24 school year; internship agreement between East Stroudsburg University and NASD, for July 1-June 30, 2029; new extracurricular clubs for the 2024-25 school year - Superhero Club for kindergarten-second grade, Kindness Club for grades 3-5, Tinker Tank STEAM Club at Siegfried Elementary School, Girls on the Run Club at Lehigh Elementary School, Chief Science Officers Club and Culture Club at NAMS; American Sign Language Club at NAHS and Fellowship of Christian Athletes at NAHS and NAMS; and acceptance, with appreciation, of the donation of floor hockey equipment to NAMS from Phantom Charities.

School directors voted 8-0, at the May 13 board meeting, to table a proposed rifle team at NAHS, at an approximate cost of $34,000. The cost could be less pending grant approval.

School directors voted 8-0, at the May 13 board meeting, to approve the resignations of Janis Campbell, Moore Elementary instructional assistant, for retirement, effective June 4; Shane Nauss, NAHS school psychologist, effective April 5; and Benjamin Leavitt, NAMS music teacher, effective June 4.

The board of education will be holding its next monthly meeting 6:30 p.m. June 10 in the auditorium at NAHS, 1619 Laubach Ave., Northampton.

PRESS PHOTO BY PAUL WILLISTEIN Northampton Area School District Superintendent of Schools Joseph S. Kovalchik, center, gathers for a photo with assistant principals, appointed at the May 13 NASD Board of Education meeting, from left, Randy Burger, NAHS; Stefani Fink, NAHS; Kayla Cowitch, NAMS; and Jonathan Ortwein, NAHS.