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Holy Trinity holds annual tea party

On May 19, the youth group at Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church, 604 Fourth St., Catasauqua, hosted its annual junior Victorian tea party. Opening remarks were made by host Diane Czar, who spoke about World Visions, which benefits from the event proceeds.

“We have sponsored a child through World Vision since March of 2013, so this is our 11th year,” Czar said.

Czar also gave a brief overview of their efforts with the charity through the years.

“Our first child was Nohla. When she turned 19, she moved out with her grandmother and was no longer in the community,” Czar noted. “So we got a new child named Linathi. Last year, Linathi’s village met all the requirements that rural vision sets for being self-sufficient as a healthy, clean water, bathrooms, kind of farm-made place. So we lost our child again.

“Last summer, we got Tsepong, and she is our current child,” Czar said. “One hundred percent of the money today from the raffle and your entrance tickets will go to Tsepong and her community.”

Families were invited to come dressed up. A dress-up station was also provided, with an assortment of clothing and accessories.

Tea and an assortment of sweet treats and fruit were provided for guests to enjoy while raffle numbers were called. Raffle prizes included themed baskets, such as beach and holidays, and kid stuff, such as toys, coloring books and stuffed animals. Prizes were also awarded during bingo. Bingo prizes consisted of smaller trinkets and handheld toys. Every child left happy with a prize from either the raffle, bingo or both.

Czar expressed her gratitude toward the church and surrounding community for their contributions and participation in this event.

“Almost everything today has been donated by our congregation or local businesses in Lehigh Valley,” Czar reported. “We love bringing our community in here, and we love having you guys come and have an awesome time. Some of the ladies in our church donate baskets, some of the people in our church donate money, and we try to recruit some of the businesses in the area.”

PRESS PHOTOS BY MIHAELA MFAREJ Stephanie Brotzman-Savercool, Christy Alvord, Gavin and Mackenzie share a toast during Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church's junior Victorian tea party May 19 at the 604 Fourth St., Catasauqua, church.
A photo of Tsepong, the sponsored child from World Visions who will benefit from the event's proceeds, is included with the festive table settings.
Joe Schwindenhammer hands out raffle prizes to winners.
Alexis poses with the raffle basket she won.
Young attendees take advantage of the dress-up station at the event.