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Flakker earns Altruism Award

Brooke Flakker, of Northampton Area High School, was honored with the Lehigh Valley chapter of Travelers Protective Association of America Post L’s Altruism Award. The ceremony was April 18 at Northampton Banquet and Event Center, 1601 Laubach Ave.

The Altruism Award is an opportunity for high schools throughout the Lehigh Valley to honor select students who exemplify an altruistic spirit through commitment and service to others.

TPA Post L President Donald D. Schwartz opened the ceremony with a speech discussing his deployment in the Vietnam War and life after returning home. His commitment to the country showcased an example of service to others and embodying altruism, setting the tone for the stories that faculty and staff would share later in the evening for each recipient.

Patricia Palencar, TPA Post L secretary and director of the Altruism Award program, invited Flakker and NAHS Principal Luke Shafnisky to the front of the room to accept her award. Shafnisky shared that Flakker was nominated by her AP environmental science teacher and adviser Rebecca Wagner for her exceptional work with the Volunteer Club.

During his speech, Shafnisky described Flakker as someone who embodies “unselfish” characteristics and always considers the regard of others. At school, she participates in the Drama Club, orchestra, chamber orchestra and National Honor Society, while maintaining an after-school job.

Flakker has also helped the community by assisting in cleanups along the D&L Trail and served refreshments during the borough’s Jack Frost Parade.

She is a soon-to-be graduate in the Class of 2024 and has earned a position in the top 5% of her class. She plans to continue her education at Moravian University and will major in behavioral science.

After the banquet ceremony, the room was left speechless by the outstanding achievements of young individuals throughout the Lehigh Valley. Parents and faculty staff applauded the hard work and achievements of all the students from the 13 different high schools.

The students who were honored during the ceremony were congratulated, and a special thanks was given to Palencar and the TPA Post L board of directors for the extensive planning that goes into each ceremony.

The TPA Post L was established in 1882 and benefited traveling salesmen nationwide. Now, the fraternal benefit society serves and protects those who are considered preferred risks. The organization is responsible for creating CHAD Stickers (Children Have An Identity), DNA collection kits and the Officer Ollie Safety Program.

PRESS PHOTOS BY CASSANDRA DAYOUB Travelers Protective Association Post L Secretary and Director of the Altruism Award program Patricia Palencar addresses the audience during the April 18 award ceremony at Northampton Banquet and Event Center, 1601 Laubach Ave.
Northampton Area High School student Brooke Flakker accepts her TPA Altruism Award from Post L President Donald D. Schwartz.
NAHS Principal Luke Shafnisky speaks of Flakker's involvements in school.
Students from 13 high schools across the Lehigh Valley gather for a group photo. Also pictured are Schwartz and state President Emma Hettler.