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Bath approves park, recreation plan

During the April 10 Bath Borough Council meeting, the borough’s parks and recreation comprehensive plan was adopted, according to borough Manager Brad Flynn. The plan provides a road map for future improvements in the borough’s park system.

“Bath will now begin the implementation phases of the plan and sourcing grants,” Flynn said.

Flynn said the priority under the comprehensive plan will be to plan and design a park trail system.

“Bath has $25,000 from the Northampton County’s Grow NORCO funding,” Flynn said, adding the borough has set aside $25,000 to match the county funding.

At a previous meeting, Mayor Fiorella Reginelli-Mirabito suggested the borough develop a splash park for youngsters to enjoy during the summer since Bath does not have a swimming pool. At that time, Reginelli-Mirabito said she would help raise funds for a splash pool.

In recent years, Bath Fire Department would use its hoses to spray cool water into the air at a park for children to run through the mist during hot days.

In other business, council adopted another compensatory time policy to address bereavement leave, court/jury duty and military leave for its employees.

Resolution 2024-004 was passed to guide council in the selection process of applicants for committees, boards and commissions. All resolutions or ordinances passed by council are available online at bathborough.org or by calling the borough office.

Flynn reminded residents there was a borough and creek cleanup day scheduled for later in the month. Vests, gloves and trash bags were provided to participants in the cleanup.

Other approvals included previous council meeting minutes and the payment of bills per the Bath treasurer’s report for the month. There were committee reports and the passage of an ordinance repealing and removing an accessible parking spot at 129 Washington St.

The borough usually offers a virtual option to those who cannot make the meeting in person, but there was an issue with the Zoom service providing virtual access.

The next Bath Borough Council meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. June 10. It will be held in person with a virtual option. Visit bathborough.org or call the borough office for the access numbers to the virtual meeting.