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STUDENT PROFILE-Aniela C. Verbin, Notre Dame HS

Grade: 12

Family: Mom (Jessica), Dad (Joseph), Grandma (Cathy)

Favorite subject: I enjoy history; learning about how far we have come and learning from the mistakes we have made.

Activities: National Honor Society, Key Club, Pro-life Club, Mini-THON, Language Honor Society, managing editor of the Crusader newspaper, softball, cheerleading captain

Next steps: I know I would like to attend college but I am still unsure of where.

Career goals: I hope I successfully follow a career path that allows financial stability as well as an enjoyable experience.

Heroes: My hero would be my grandma, because I could only hope to be as kindhearted and selfless as she is.

Hobbies: Relaxing, watching TV, going out with friends, listening to music

Current job(s): I work at Sprinkles Ice Cream Shoppe in Bath.

Volunteer/community work: Key Club, student council and cheerleading have all allowed me to take part in great service opportunities. A few of my favorites would be St. Jane’s Hawk Walk and giving tours to eighth graders.

Likes: Dogs, kindhearted people, the color green, Polish food

Dislikes: Driving on the highway, negative-minded people, slackers

Greatest accomplishment (so far): I would accredit my biggest accomplishment so far to becoming a varsity cheerleading captain. After having little to no experience of cheerleading, I feel very accomplished in myself on behalf of how far I have come. I would like to give thanks to Notre Dame for giving me a creative outlet to discover my own talents.

Advice for peers: Get involved! The best thing I decided to do was join different clubs and activities because they have all opened up new doors and opportunities for me. They have also introduced me to some of the best friends I could have made, so I highly recommend going outside your comfort zone and trying new things.

Julia Swan coordinates student profiles for the Bethlehem Press.

Student profile subjects are selected by faculty and administration at the individual schools.