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People Say

By Dana Grubb

Who would you like to remember on Memorial Day?

“My dad, who started in the Coast Guard and went into the US Navy during World War II, and his brother who was shot down 3 times and became a POW.” Ken Kiernan Bethlehem
“My father, who served in the U.S. Army Air Force in Burma during World War II, by flying supplies from Burma to China.” Mary Kiernan Bethlehem
“My dad and father-in-law, both veterans who are deceased and served in the US Army and U.S. Air Force.” Benessa Mercado Bethlehem
“My friends currently serving in the US Army and my friend Henry who is now retired from the service.” Cosmas Bett Bethlehem
“Colonel Philip Martin Suess, Jr, who served in Korea and Vietnam. He was my uncle.” Bernie Suess Bethlehem
“A friend who is currently serving in the U.S. Army.” Devender Hanumaihgari Allentown