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Hokendauqua Youth Fishing Derby May 25

For all you young anglers and aspiring anglers ages 15 and under, the Whitehall Township Recreation Department is hosting their annual Youth Fishing Derby on Saturday, May 25 at the Hokendauqua Park on Lehigh Street in Whitehall.

According to Michele Dragovits, Whitehall Administrative Coordinator, over 150 trout will be stocked on that day in the stream from the IR Trail overpass to beyond the baseball field.

Registration begins at 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. that day and the contest runs from 9 a.m. to noon with no fishing permitted before this time.

There will be prizes awarded for first, second and third place winners in four age groups of 6 and under, 7-9, 10-12 and 13-15-year olds, plus a prize for overall biggest fish.

Contestants must bring their own bait and tackle and some of the major rules listed are that catch-and-release is not permitted, all catches must be made from the bank (no wading), each angler may only use one rod and corn is not permitted. And there is a five fish per contestant creel limit.

Refreshments will be provided by the Hokendauqua Park and Playground Association.