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Memorial Day events planned

Macungie Borough Council met in the Macungie Institute for its regularly scheduled meeting May 20 where Memorial Day activities were discussed.

Macungie Borough Council, along with other members of the community, will host a three block, 100-flag unity walk on Memorial Day. Residents are encouraged to bring any size flag to show their patriotism. Questions about the walk can be directed to council member Robert Rozak who will be handing out flags to those who need them.

The walk will begin at the Macungie Volunteer Fire Department parking area and will proceed to Macungie Memorial Park.

The Macungie VFW and their auxiliary will commemorate Memorial Day with a flag-raising ceremony to honor veterans, troops and emergency personnel. The events will begin 9 a.m. with the flag ceremony held 10 a.m.

Macungie street sweeping was completed last week. This year 35 tickets were issued for cars parked where the sweeping was taking place.

Macungie Ambulance reported responding to 357 calls in April with 19 of those calls in the borough.

Whitetail Disposal provided a service overview report to the borough for April with a 99.90% success rate. There were 11 confirmed service challenges out of 10,820 pickups. Of the 11 confirmed service challenges, eight were identified and resolved by their team before a resident outreach. Two reported service challenges were investigated and determined to be resident error. There were 44 contacts with residents; 28 contacted Whitetail Disposal by phone, 16 residents contacted them by email and there were no live chats. Whitetail Disposal collected 97.92 tons of trash and 18.73 tons of recycling in April.

Permission to use approximately $100,000 of leftover grant money for the bump out project was denied by the Pennsylvania Department of Economic Development. Council said additional grants will be researched.

The Mavis Tires plan was discussed. This development is proposed for Main Street Commons which is approximately a 7.11-acre parcel of land located south of Main Street, opposite West End Trail.

Phase 1 of this development, the Embassy Bank, has been constructed in the northwestern portion of the site as per Barry Isett & Associates Inc.’s report.

Phase 2 of the development (an automated car wash) was previously approved by the borough for an extension of the Route 100 driveway, terminating with a cul-de-sac turnaround and associated parking along with storm, sanitary, water and other utilities extensions. The car wash facility has been constructed and is currently in operation.

Phase 3 of the development for a proposed stack storage facility was approved and construction for Stack Storage has begun.

Phase 4 is the Mavis Tires facility with eight garage bays with a 6,980 square footprint. This will have direct frontage to Route 100. The plan shows 44 parking spaces, a 24-foot wide fire lane, two 24-foot wide accesses to a driveway shared with the car wash facility and three stormwater infiltration beds.

A resident shared concerns for ample parking spaces and other borough requirements that seem to be sliding through. He was also concerned about some dishonesty. Lastly, he raised issues about water problems in the area and how much this may add to it.

The project was conditionally approved by a vote of 5-2 with council members Robert Rozak and Todd Ritter voting no.

There was an executive session held for legal, personnel and real estate issues.