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Learning Lab to replace Project Wonder at SMS

The Salisbury Township School District Board of Directors held a curriculum and technology meeting May 15. Student representatives from each of the district’s schools reported on important events and student achievements while administrators presented updates on the district’s comprehensive planning and provided a teaching and learning update.

Salisbury High School student representatives Nolan Grejda and Emily Morris announced Salisbury theater students were recently nominated for two Freddy Awards for Outstanding Overall Production of a Musical by a Smaller School and the Outstanding Smaller School Ensemble Performance Award. The Freddy Awards ceremony will take place May 23.

Spring sports are coming to a close after a successful season of play. Track and field athletes recently competed in district events and the boys baseball team will compete in district play this week after recently competing in the Colonial League semifinals.

As the school year comes to a close, SHS seniors look forward to many upcoming events including prom, Senior Sunset, a class trip to Hershey Park and a June 2 graduation. The last day of school for all students is June 10.

Salisbury Middle School students Payton Kao and Gia Olds highlighted the many happenings for students in middle school including an eighth grade field trip to the courthouse as spectators in two court cases and a second field trip to Hershey Park.

Eighth grade students have been busy academically as they recently completed both the math Keystone assessments and a civics test.

Additionally, many eighth grade students were given the opportunity to grow as leaders as student council members led fourth grade tours of the middle school and members of the Interact Club paired with special education students to assist them as they participated in the Special Olympics.

Sixth grade students are currently participating in the outdoor program which includes releasing fish they have raised throughout the year into the fish hatchery, visiting a local church to learn its history and going on an ecosystem walk.

Middle school students are also looking forward to field day filled with games, activities and a visit from an ice cream truck.

A class picnic for each grade level will be held at the end of the year complete with outdoor activities and an awards ceremony.

Salisbury Elementary School students have been very busy with class trips, concerts and celebrations according to student reporters Laine Al-Khal and Anaiah Santiago Morales.

Students took educational field trips to Quiet Valley, Hawk Mountain, Flint Hill Farm Educational Center and the Lehigh Valley Zoo. Students also visited the high school to see the district art show.

Third and fourth grade students completed the Pennsylvania System of School Assessments and celebrated with a pajamas, popcorn and movie day.

Mark your calendars for the annual PTO Ice Cream Festival which will be held noon to 4 p.m. June 1.

Assistant Superintendent Kelly Pauling spoke about a recent parent education Zoom webinar with school psychologist and author Peg Dawson. The webinar focused on executive functioning skills which are the skills used in planning in order to accomplish tasks. The webinar is available for public view on both the school board YouTube channel and the community update.

Director of Special Education Tracey Jacobi highlighted three parent workshops held throughout the year with topics including sibling support, transitioning from high school to higher education for students with IEPs and supporting IEP students through community resources.

SES Principal Zach Brem had exciting news for the board as he congratulated Shannon Stokes who was one of three teachers chosen from a pool of 2,000 teachers as a winner of the Crayola Experience shopping spree. Stokes was able to select as much merchandise as she could within a specific amount of time and Crayola also donated a $5,000 prize pack to SES.

In response to the elimination of the Project Wonder Program Salisbury Middle School Principal Ken Parliman has been working with teams of teachers to develop a new course of study focused on math and science. The proposed course entitled Learning Lab targets grades 6-8 and would be a hands-on approach emphasizing STEM, career readiness and project-based learning. It would be aligned with math, science, social studies and skills associated with Profiles of a Graduate.

Parliman noted no additional staff would need to be hired and while there is no textbook needed for the course, he anticipated some supplemental materials and supplies might be necessary.

Pauling informed the board about an upcoming need to replace textbooks for both Advanced Placement Biology and World History and also reminded the board several digital supplemental resource materials used by students across the district will also need to be renewed.

Pauling updated the board on the status of the comprehensive plan which involves seeking stakeholders for the steering committee. Directors Rebecca Glenister, Carol Klinger and Laura McKelvey have volunteered to serve on the committee as well as a few parents, a teacher and a community member. The committee continues to seek a wide variety of members to serve in an effort to include a diverse representation of the school population across all grade levels. She plans to bring a formal list of members to the board for approval by August.

The comprehensive plan was created by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and is very structured. Pauling shared a tentative meeting schedule commencing June 18 with several steering committee meetings throughout the summer months and continuing throughout the school year.

The next meeting of the curriculum and technology committee will be 7 p.m. Sept. 18. All meetings are held in the administration building, 1140 Salisbury Road, Allentown.