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Emmaus Community Foundation looks to support local projects; initiatives

During its meeting May 20, Emmaus Borough Council approved significant measures aimed at enhancing the Triangle in downtown Emmaus. The meeting was also highlighted by a special presentation, notable communication items and an important hiring.

There were no personal appeals.

In the community minute, Councilman Roy Anders announced the Emmaus Memorial Parade will begin 9:30 a.m. May 27 at Emmaus High School.

The meeting featured a presentation by the Emmaus Community Foundation, highlighting its ongoing efforts to support local projects and initiatives in the borough. Their mission statement is to “enhance the natural beauty and quality of life in Emmaus by encouraging philanthropy to fund high-impact initiatives that further develop optimal community living.”

The Emmaus Community Foundation was conceived to create a not-for-profit foundation aimed at addressing the unmet needs in the community. The members of the foundation consist of local business leaders and former council members who are working together to streamline efforts within the community. This mainly includes fundraising efforts for potential projects.

The ECF is open to donations from anyone in the community, with all funding going to community objectives and departments, such as a recent donation to the Emmaus Fire Department.

Donation opportunities can be found online at www.emmauscommunityfoundation.org.

Next, council approved the minutes from the May 6 meeting.

The first item in communications was Christian Gill’s letter of intent to resign from his position and enter the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP).

Second, a permit fee waiver request from Juxtahub for renovations at 375 S. 10th St. was approved. This is in regard to the long-awaited start of construction of the Emmaus Creative Arts & Innovation Center.

A second highlight of the night was a notification Emmaus Police Officer Timothy Kline was the recipient of the 2024 Spirit of Courage Award presented by The Burn Prevention Network. He was nominated by Fire Chief John Price for the actions he took saving lives at a fire June 24, 2023 at 1035 Cold Stream Circle in Emmaus.

The borough engineer and solicitor reports were received and approved. There were no items in new business and unfinished business.

Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert proclaimed May 27, 2024 as Memorial Day, encouraging residents to honor and remember those who served in the armed forces.

The parks and recreation report included an update on the Memorial Triangle Redesign Project, an official name change for the site and an authorization for the borough manager to apply for grants.

The project has been approved; however, an official ordinance still needs to be passed through council.

The newly endorsed name is the Veterans Memorial Triangle Park.

In the general administration report, council approved the hiring of Cristen McTamney as the assistant borough manager.

The budget and finance report saw the passing of Resolution 2024-15: Bill List. The bill list totaled $853,508.27.

In his report, Borough Manager Shane Pepe is still looking for lifeguards to work at the Emmaus Community Pool. He also said the borough is doing some leak testing at the pool.

Following this, the meeting was then adjourned.

PRESS PHOTO BY JAKE MELUSKEY Members of the Emmaus Community Foundation include board members Chad Balliet, Michael Koch, Evan Walters, Chairman John W. Hart, Peter J. Adams, Janie Slamon, Dustin Grim, Treasurer Chris A. DeFrain and Borough Manager Shane Pepe (not pictured).