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Grade: 12

Family: Mom, Stepdad, Dad, stepbrother, younger brother

Favorite subject: English, because I have a passion for reading, and literature in general.

Next steps: I plan on going to East Stroudsburg University to major in elementary education.

Career goals: I would love to become a kindergarten or first grade teacher.

Heroes: My mom is my hero, she is the strongest woman I know. My mom has been through so much medically, mentally and physically since she was my age and I just am in awe of how much she has accomplished. My mom has been diagnosed with cancer, and has still been able to push through her daily tasks and still be my biggest supporter.

Hobbies: I like doing my nails, babysitting and spending time with friends.

Current job(s): I work at Outback Steakhouse.

Volunteer/community work: I am a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters, and National Honors Society.

Likes: My likes include my friends, Harry Styles, watching movies and my dogs.

Dislikes: My dislikes include loud people, boring movies.

Greatest accomplishment (so far): How far I’ve come mentally from the start of my high school career.

Advice for peers: Don’t let people walk all over you; be your own person; prioritize yourself and always keep school a top priority.

Julia Swan coordinates student profiles for the Bethlehem Press.

Student profile subjects are selected by faculty and administration at the individual schools.