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Dimmick Park clean up May 27

Press photo courtesy Kyra Kunsman The Lehigh Valley Trash Pact will host a park cleanup at Dimmick Park May 27. Lehigh Valley Trash Pact is the brainchild of Kyra Kunsman. Started in 2020, the group organizes park cleanups all over the Lehigh Valley. So far, 134 park cleanups have been accomplished. Kunsman said, “ Social media definitely helps spread the word. There is a domino effect, as volunteers tell their friends.” As of now, the group has 154 volunteers. Kunsman said, “The numbers just keep going up.” Kunsman has also reached out to local business to encourage their employees to volunteer. Every park cleanup volunteer receives an LV Trash Pact T-shirt. To volunteer, visit the Lehigh Valley Trash Pact on Facebook. Above: Kyra Kunsman of the Lehigh Valley Trash Pact, poses in one of the group's T-shirt. Every park cleanup volunteer receives a T-shirt. By Lani Goins