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Former officer faces charges

Bethlehem Police announced the arrest of former School Resource Officer Costas Alestas May 15. Alestas is charged with offenses including statutory sexual assault, institutional sexual assault, aggravated indecent assault, involuntary deviant sexual intercourse, criminal use of a communications facility and invasion of privacy.

Capt. Nicholas Lechman said the Bethlehem Area School District contacted police the afternoon of May 1, citing allegations of an inappropriate relationship between the SRO and a 14-year-old girl at East Hills MS. “Immediately after receiving this information, Alestas was directed by police administration to leave the school building and return to police headquarters. He was then placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation.”

Lechman said Alestas voluntarily surrendered his mobile phone, and officers interviewed the alleged victim the following day. She said she had been in ongoing communication with Alestes at the school and over his personal phone, and later a second phone.

The victim spoke with a guidance counselor, who reported the incident to administrators. The victim alleged the relationship was sexual in nature beginning in January, and took place in the school and in Alestas’ vehicle parked outside. One incident occurred during a school dance while Alestas was in uniform, she said.

A video shot from Alestas’ phone depicted an “upskirt” view of a second victim, taken unawares.

“We ask for patience and cooperation,” said Police Chief Michelle Kott, who said she stands by the SRO program. Alestas was well-liked in the school, at which he worked for six years, and received awards of merit. “We did not see this coming. I think a lot of professions can say that when something horrible like this happens. Screening is incredibly difficult because someone can pass every type of mechanism you have in place. We have to work hard to make sure we put the proper people in place, and when an allegation comes forward, we take decisive action.

“This is an active investigation, and I encourage people with information to come forward,” Kott said, telling members of the press she encourages parents to actively monitor children’s electronic media. “Absolutely look at your children’s electronic devices. I’m a mother of two and I’m constantly screening the iPad, the X-Box and Playstation. Just be vigilant.”

While the department will take a renewed look at its procedures, Kott said there is no way for any organization to perfectly screen for bad actors. The investigation into Alestas’ actions and other possible victims is ongoing.

Alestas was arraigned by District Judge Nicholas Englesson on $500,000 bail.

Press photo by Nate Jastrzemski Police Chief Michelle Kott says in the aftermath of such trauma, “People need to heal; reach out to those resources that are in place and talk to somebody.”