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Hawks upset Hornets in EPC first round

The Emmaus baseball team suffered a first-round exit after earning the No. 2 seed in the East Penn Conference playoffs.

The Hornets managed just four hits and committed four errors in Monday’s league quarterfinal loss to No. 7 Bethlehem Catholic, 11-1.

The Hawks pounded out 12 hits and didn’t commit an error as they advance to Tuesday’s semifinals.

Chad Kauffman, Noah Hogan, Colin Wilson and Wiley Fleck each had one hit for the Hornets in the loss.

Emmaus (13-8) won its final regular season game last Tuesday, 12-4 over Whitehall.

Hogan had three hits, three RBI and a pair or runs scored in the win. Emmit Budick, Chad Kauffman and Wilson all had two hits each against the Zephyrs.

The Hornets will advance to the District 11 Class 6A playoffs where they will likely be the No. 4 seed with a first-round matchup against No. 5 Northampton.

PRESS PHOTO BY MARK LINEBERGER Emmaus catcher Dayne Schmidt tries to keep Bethlehem Catholic's Dylan Pyle from scoring during Monday's league playoff game.