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Mother’s Day tea

The George Taylor House hosted its fourth annual Mother’s Day event May 11 at the Lehigh and Poplar streets, Catasauqua, site. This year, the lucky ladies were treated to a tea party and were educated on the importance of rest, relaxation, meditation and mindfulness with herbalist Nesha Parker, from Willow and Oak Apothecary.

“I feel in this culture, it’s really undervalued,” Parker said, reflecting on the importance and benefit of tea and tea time. “Time, mindfulness, having time during the day to sit in ceremony and tradition with each other. I hope that you can take this home with you and do this every day or at least once a week.”

A blend of rose, chamomile, oat straw and holy basil was created to enjoy both aromatically and to steep. A description of the physical and metaphysical benefits were also noted by Parker.

Mother and daughter duo Rosella Mrazik and Michele Mrazik Grasso attended the event. Mrazik Grasso, a volunteer docent for the George Taylor House 30 years ago, spoke about the volunteers and the special nature of the house.

“Surreal. That’s the perfect word,” Mrazik Grasso said. “I am just so in awe of the passion of the volunteers who make this place come alive, which it wasn’t. I know, it was just like an old building, historically, and it never really seemed to breathe that history, that passion, that heart of the place. I think it really is the people that kind of make the experience.”

Jason Kern and Christine Roca, portraying George and Ann Taylor, provided an in-depth tour of the property for guests.

Paul Trainer, a volunteer with the GTH Association, introduced a brief history of tea and tradition surrounding drinking it. Context on the Boston Tea Party and tea dumping into the Boston Harbor were given and the importance this action played as a catalyst the American Revolution era.

The GTH was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1971 and remains the only national historic landmark in the Lehigh Valley. Taylor was the only signer of the Declaration of Independence to live in the Lehigh Valley area. Candace Maxwell, association event coordinator, emphasized the importance of historical accuracy with the property featured on the National Registrar.

“One of our big goals is to raise the funds to have it put back together and make it a functional space that we can then offer as part of the tour,” Maxwell said. “The more that we make it feel lived in, the more excited the house feels. The energy flows more naturally.”

If you missed the Mother’s Day event, the association operates other themed tours and events throughout the year, such as Murder at the Mansion and Harvest and Haunts. General house tours are offered noon-4 p.m. every third Saturday of the month. Pricing is $10 a person, and military is always free.

All proceeds from events go toward the refurbishment of the house and home maintenance in hopes to continue and deepen the historical accuracy.

PRESS PHOTO BY MIHAELA MFAREJ Mother and daughter duo Rosella Mrazik and Michele Mrazik Grasso enjoy their tea blend during a Mother's Day event, held May 11 at the George Taylor House, Lehigh and Poplar streets, Catasauqua.
PRESS PHOTOS BY MIHAELA MFAREJ Attendees listen to herbalist Nesha Parker, from Willow and Oak Apothecary, during the fourth annual Mother's Day event at the George Taylor House, Lehigh and Poplar streets, Catasauqua.
Parker details the benefits of different tea ingredients.
Paul Trainer gives guests a historical introduction to tea and tea drinking.
Christine Roca, dressed as Ann Taylor, enjoys the tea blend.