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Letter to the editor: Vote for Ryan Mackenzie for Congress

On Nov. 5, Ryan Mackenzie will have my vote for U.S. Congress.

Like most people, I didn’t used to think a lot about identity theft. It was something I’d heard about, but I never thought it would happen to me.

Then, like millions of Americans, I discovered that I had become a victim. This was a scary time for me. When I got a bill for an account that was opened fraudulently, it couldn’t be canceled. I wasn’t sure where to turn, so I tried the offices of Susan Wild and some of my other representatives. Unfortunately, no one seemed to know how to help me, and I felt alone and frustrated.

That’s when I ran into state Rep. Ryan Mackenzie at a local event. He wasn’t even my state representative, but when I mentioned my problem, he promised to take care of it. About a week later, everything was taken care of, and I am thankful to him and his office for helping me.

I’ll always be grateful to Ryan Mackenzie for stepping up to help when no one else would. That’s why he will have my vote for U.S. Congress.

Mona Chibber
