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Grade: I am in 12th grade.

Family: My parents are Mike and Beth Koons. I have three older brothers, Michael, Thomas, and John.

Favorite subject: My favorite subject is English. I really enjoy reading and expressing creativity through writing.

Activities: I am a member and captain of my Cross Country and Track and Field teams. I participate in Student Council, Crusaders for Life Club, Catholic Athletes for Christ Club, Scholastic Scrimmage and National Honor Society.

Next steps: I plan to attend a four-year college while majoring in Biology.

Career goals: I hope to serve my country as an officer in the U.S. Air or Space Force or work in the medical field.

Heroes: My hero is my cousin Frances. She was an All-American runner at Villanova and battled through cancer at the height of her running career.

Hobbies: In my free time, I enjoy running, reading, baking and playing guitar.

Volunteer/community work: I am a volunteer coach for St. Jane’s Cross Country CYO team and ND Middle School basketball team. I am also involved in various other volunteer activities through school and my church community.

Likes: I love spending time at the beach with my family and my dog Red.

Dislikes: I dislike many types of food, such as beans and pickles.

Greatest accomplishment (so far): I am most proud of being a member of a League, District and State Champion team in Cross Country.

Advice for peers: Putting in hard work will always be worth it.

Julia Swan coordinates student profiles for the Bethlehem Press.

Student profile subjects are selected by faculty and administration at the individual schools.