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People Say

By Dana Grubb

What do you enjoy most about volunteering at the Boutique at the Rink cancer fundraiser?

“I love the camaraderie, the interaction, and the friendships we develop. And, we're all here for the same cause.” Angela Carney Bethlehem
“Meeting various people and seeing the variety of donations that come in.” Margie Dominick Bethlehem
“The interaction between people.” Sharon Morone Palmer Township
“That it helps St. Luke's Hospice.” Nina Metzler Bethlehem
“I'm inspired by the women and men who come to the rink, and the benefits we provide to those with cancer.” Bonny Campbell Lower Saucon Township
“It makes you feel good that you are helping with a really good fundraiser. And, my daughter just had her last treatment for cancer.” Donna Pollard Palmer Township