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CASTING OF LOTS: Notice is hereby given, casting of lots for candidates receiving tie votes at the April 23, 2024, General Primary Election will be held on Friday, May 10, 2024, at 12 p.m. prevailing time, in County Council Chambers on the Third Floor of the Northampton County Government Center, 669 Washington St, Easton. Casting of lots is open to the public and media and will also be livestreamed on the County’s YouTube Channel.

DANGEROUS ROADS: New research has revealed the most dangerous road type in Pennsylvania, as the state’s “Urban Principal arterial” roads.

The study was conducted by personal injury law firm Jason Stone Injury Lawyers, utilizing National Highway Traffic Administration data on fatal crashes that occurred between 2017 and 2021. The research compared the road type that each crash happened on with the total miles of that type of road within the state to reveal the “miles per crash” and the most dangerous road type in the state.

The analysis identified “Urban Principal arterial” roads as particularly perilous, with a mere 7.46 miles per fatal incident. This is based on a total of 1,121 fatal crashes in Pennsylvania over the five year period that was measured, compared to 8,362 lane miles for the category of road, which is defined as major streets or highways in urban areas that do not fall into the Interstate or freeway categories.

NORCO MUSEUM AWARD: PA Museums has selected NorthamptonCounty’s Sigal Museum’s “Forged by Fire: the Heroism, Honor, and History of Firefighting” exhibition for a 2024 Institutional Achievement Award.

The exhibition traces the roots of local fire prevention back to William Penn and the Great Fire of London in 1666, highlighting Colonial Era town planning, Moravian technological innovations for moving water, and the formation of volunteer firefighting companies. The 19th century brought the advent of Gamewell Fire Alarm call boxes and Victorian parade culture with colorful banners, uniforms, and commemorative objects. Today, firefighting has evolved with modern protective gear and tactics, including the use of drones and thermal imaging that allows firefighters to see through smoke.

Since the 1980s, PA Museums has invited nominations from its membership and chosen to recognize institutions, projects, and individuals of particular merit.

“Forged by Fire” is open to the public through July 7. Sigal Museum hours: Thursday-Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday: 12 – 4 p.m. Contact: www.sigalmuseum.org 610-253-1222