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Facilities crosses fingers for budget surplus

Summer is the time for building repairs, updates and routine maintenance in the Bethlehem Area School District, and Chief Facilities Officer Mark Stein focused the May 6 meeting discussion on lesser-known projects that had not been prioritized for improvement. This year, due to a $3 million surplus in the capital fund, several of these projects will be put out for bid and potentially worked on during the next two summers. The extra funds have been acquired through grant money, Federal funding, and wise stewardship of revenue by the school board directors.

Projects being considered are new seats, new flooring and railings in the Freedom HS auditorium, field house renovations at Liberty HS, sidewalk improvements and field lighting. as well as updating stage lighting and improved dressing rooms for theatrical performances. Board member Dr. Silagh White raised concerns regarding other needs of the theater department. Superintendent Dr. Jack Silva reassured White that facilities have a very comprehensive list of building needs and that the directors can prioritize many of these projects.

Other facilities updates include the Fountain Hill ES project that will be starting a traffic impact study after being approved at the next regular board meeting.

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Maureen Leesom and her team of educators introduced the concept of “Learning Walks” at this curriculum meeting. Learning Walks are a way to expose the professional learning community to a broader experience of teaching styles and techniques. The walks are vertical, meaning grade levels are walking with other grade levels- e.g. administration is visiting first grade, seventh grade teacher is visiting 10th grade and so on, to build a culture of learning for teachers and leaders through the promotion of learning walks.

The objective is for each PLC/teacher to complete one learning walk each marking period with the goal of seeing three different levels of instruction during the school year. They are observing methods of engagement, interaction with peers and compliance. These learning walks enhance future professional development and administrative growth, in addition to instructional strengths and challenges for both students and staff.

The Curriculum Committee also presented an update regarding the transition to Edupoint synergy Production (Technology) System. This program is specifically for new student information and a special education information system.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for May 20 at 7 p.m.