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AAUW book sale

The 62nd annual American Association of University Women, Bethlehem Branch, book fair was held at the Earl E. Schaffer Ice Rink from April 25 to 29.

Reading deals abounded as they were priced at $1 to $5, except for collectibles.

Co-chair Joan Howe says it “was a great turnout from the community” in terms of both donations and attendance. Proceeds go to students from the Bethlehem Area and Allentown school districts. “The number of scholarships varies,” says Howe, “but is generally around 20.”

Howe, who shared the leadership role with Deb Spinney, lauded this year’s volunteers. They had “great volunteers, including a lot of new ones,” she says. “Scholarship recipients sometimes even come back to volunteer,” she notes.

Press photos by Dana Grubb AAUW book fair patrons peruse titles in the trade fiction section.
Bethlehem residents Jonathan and Clara supported the AAUW cause. “We've already hit the children's section,” says Dad, who was looking at titles in international literature and classics.
“It's been a great turnout by the community,” says Co-chair Joan Howe.
Book fair patrons fill the checkout lines as they pay for their purchases.