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Draft budget with fire tax in the works

After weeks of discussion on how best to address the needs of the township’s fire stations, Upper Milford Township Supervisors requested staff prepare a draft budget with a fire tax, during the May 2 meeting.

This decision caused a certain feeling of unease in the near capacity room, as some wondered the possible impact this could have on donations to both fire stations.

Chair John Zgura and Supervisor Angela Ashbrook support the fire tax, but Vice Chairman Daniel Mohr would prefer drawing from the general fund.

The draft budget is expected by October.

A review on the fire tax issue is possible at that time, as no vote was taken to officially incorporate the tax to the residents.

During a discussion about Resolution 2024-026, Ashbrook made it clear she has concerns pertaining to the Twin Run project, based on what has been voiced by residents over the last few months, such as open space, speeding and water irrigation.

“We are not doing things that’s in the best interest of residents. We are doing things that’s in the best interest of developers,” she said at one point.

With preliminary approval given in 2023 and Kay Builders meeting all ordinances as per the April 18 board meeting, the resolution passed for the project to officially move forward.

Once completed, there will be 78 homes.

During public input, resident Colt Hershinger, who had been upset at the way the April 18 meeting had been conducted in terms of citizens input, once again raised the Sunshine Act.

Hershinger told the board he had recently met with experts on the law and he stated all residents have a right to speak as well as tape the meetings.