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DeLong working hard in hopes of postseason track success

Every weekend during track season Lauren DeLong and her father, Eric, spend some hours working on her technique and watching videos to improve her technique for the shot put and discus.

“He’s my personal coach,” said the senior about her father, who was a field standout for the Rough Riders in the late 1980s and early 1990s. “We’ll spend a couple of hours to see what I need to improve on.

“He helped me get started in the sport and since then, I have loved it.”

Her many hours and overall determination has certainly paid personal dividends.”

In the shot put last season, DeLong finished fourth in the Colonial League (32.09) and seven that district (32-324). Her attempts in the discus weren’t as successful, yet still noteworthy last season. Over the previous two seasons, DeLong has been among the top-10 finishers in the shot put in leagues and districts, as most of her results have been in the top half of the bracket.

Once she began, DeLong quickly discovered that it wasn’t just about trying to throw the shot as far as she could.

“It’s really about technique,” she stated. “There’s more to it than people think. My dad was a big help, and I really caught on fast. I was throwing in the 30s during my freshman year, and I thought I could get really good at it.”

Head coach Kyle Rusnock also saw DeLong as a fast learner.

“Lauren is an outstanding kid and has been a great thrower for us over the years,” he stressed. “She works hard at her craft, and she is dialing in, just having her best throws.

“Lauren has medaled for us, and we look forward to her competing again this year.”

Since her sophomore year, DeLong has had a good feeling and outlook. Along with her father, DeLong also credited throwing coach John Stofko.

“Going into my sophomore year, I was more committed to the shot put,” she recalled. “I also really had a good mental approach to the sport. I knew I had to start to work harder, and everything came together for me last year.”

In a recent meet at Northern Lehigh, DeLong hit a personal best 32-9 in the shot put and 81-5 in the discus. She also realized how time can be working against her.

“It’s a really short season, and it’s my last one,” she said. “I feel like I am getting better and better. I always am checking the rankings every week to see where my throws are. I know who my main opponents are out there, and we all have a friendly competition among ourselves.”

DeLong plans to attend York College next fall to pursue a degree in elementary education as well as continue her track and field career.

When she isn’t practicing, DeLong is spending time at the gym, listening to music, and dabbling with art. She gained inspiration for her aspiring career from her aunt, Danielle Hacker, who is a teacher.

In her future role as a teacher, DeLong envisions herself as a potential coach. In her current role as a senior leader, DeLong enjoys instructing the younger players on the team.

“I absolutely love working with all the underclassmen,” gushed DeLong. “I help them as much as I can. They have picked up things right away.”

Based on her progress, DeLong also has a quick ascent to her current stats.