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Chosen Words: ‘Late Awakening’

On the brink of manhood

In this trouble-filled earth

Pondering so often

My life and its worth

Almost liberated

From parental bound

A time not realized

How beautiful and sound

Until one must leave it

And face future years

A time I awaken

Eyes filled with tears

I must make my path

Through this world dark and cold

“Because of you, Mother”

I can walk straight and bold

Unlike others

Confused or afraid

My roots run deep

Roots you have made

I fear not to conquer

My future life

All you have done

Will ease my strife

How perfect you are

I realize now

For my ignorant tardiness

I humbly bow

To you dear Mother

Pure as the dove

Remember always

You’re my First Love

Your First Born

William Shankweiler
