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It happened again! We came home one night, and the next morning, my driver’s side tire valve cap was on the ground, and the tire was flat. At least this time I was able, after two attempts, to explain to AAA that I just needed air put back into the tire, not a tow truck.

My older son had the most pragmatic response: “Just don’t park in that spot.” I agreed, and since then, no problems. But a few days ago, we were walking up the street toward home, and a different person’s car was there, and its tire valve cap was missing. I called the parking authority and let them know.

Is it inconvenient to avoid that spot? Sure. But with no cameras in the area, I see no other recourse because, as the saying goes, you can’t fix stupid. All I can do is control my own behavior.

This is a recurring theme in my life. For a long time, I thought I could impart sense into nonsensical situations. Never did it ever work.

Graduate school is just about finished for the semester, and oh boy, am I glad! The end of my youngest son’s fifth grade year is ramping up. My calendar looks like multicolored stripes. He will be in the All City Orchestra Concert, the concert at Northeast Middle School, and of course, the concert at his elementary school. He is also in the Young Playwrights Lab Performance coming up at Northeast. Add in our regular activities, and my calendar looks like I could use a nap! But it will be a lot of fun.

Speaking of stupid, I tried to send flowers to the boys’ grandmother in the hospital. Unfortunately, the place I always ordered flowers from for my late mother now subcontracts. Blah. That did not work out. She was discharged before the delivery, which had been promised several days before they eventually arrived. So I am waiting for a refund. Ugh! Once it arrives, I will be contacting a local florist to send her flowers. If the subcontractor couldn’t find the largest hospital in Philadelphia, I’m just done with them.

Excuse me while I count to 20. And breathe, and repeat. I am going to enjoy the next five weeks, and the nap I have promised myself when they’re over.

By Lani Goins