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Board approves draft ordinance



Before the start of the regular April 8 Weisenberg supervisors meeting, the board held a public hearing to discuss the township’s codification general code draft ordinance.

Township Manager Brian Carl explained the codification of the general code draft ordinance.

“This was a multi-year process,” he said. “Right now, all our ordinances are in bound copies.

“Our everyday ordinance takes up about eight binders, so by codifying them we are consolidating them into one general code, everything from our zoning ordinance or SALDO which is our subdivision land development, driveway ordinance, fire department ordinances will all be in one big code.

“We really did not change much of the substance.

“Some ordinances were updated, and older sections were repealed - things like outdoor wood burning, the junkyard ordinance. All the old sections were removed and only the new sections that are currently valid we keep.

The public hearing was adjourned and the board convened the regular meeting.

A motion was made and approved to adopt the codification of the general code draft ordinance.

Another item was the motion to award the walking trail bid.

Stan Wojciechowski, township engineer with Barry Isett and Associates, began the discussion.

“We opened the bids on Wednesday of last week for the walking trail,” he said. “We had six bidders. We had a nice decent spread on the bids.

“I believe we have the $121,000 in the account from the grant. We have not heard of Lawrence Site Contractors before, but we did call their references and they had very glowing references, so we are comfortable recommending that they be awarded the bid.

“That would be the base bid plus all three alternates including the trail crossing signs, the trees and the fencing for $121,391.”

Carl commented on the project.

“It is a fairly simple project,” he said. “It is just removing that row of pine trees connecting the walking trail crossing to the elementary school, the fencing and landscaping.”

Wojciechowski added it would also include painting some lines and putting up some signs.

A motion was made and approved to award the bid to Lawrence Site Contractors.

Carl also provided the board with an update on the community center.

“I am still working on pricing,” he stated. “Stan and I met with the Brecknock Builders last week to go over some of this stuff.

“We will have some more hard numbers here in a few weeks.

“I talked to the donor again today and he is fine with all of that.

“I would like to get the turf and equipment pricing so at least we have that ready.

“Nothing really changed on anything else on there.”

Board member Richard Bleiler then asked if he was shocked at the turf price.

“I knew it was going to be expensive,” Carl replied.

Board Vice Chairman Tony Werley then asked if the pricing included installation.

“Yes, it’s installed,” Carl said. “There’s two types of turf.

“One is like football field turf, where it is a field turf. This is like carpet but much thicker.

“It is good for cleats and for flat shoes, so whatever goes on there they will not destroy it, but we are in the neighborhood of $140,000 for that.”

Bleiler then asked the length of the warranty.

“I think there is a 15-year warranty on it,” Carl said. “We are going with the basic turf with white painted lines.”