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Editor’s View: Time to get your hands dirty

While Saturday was so cold and windy that I hunkered down on the couch with blankets, come Sunday, Mother Nature, at her bipolar best, decided summer had arrived (even though we never saw spring) and the sun shone bright and brought temps in the high 70s, low 80s.

Blankets were tossed aside and outside I went.

Lilac bushes were trimmed and some of the flowers were brought inside and put in vases.

The plastic lawn furniture was brought out from the cellar and sprayed-painted.

I weeded one flower bed and mowed the lawn, including the area around the garden.

Since I was already at the garden, in I ventured.

Weeds were pulled; remnants of last year’s sunflowers were removed and seed packs were separated as to where the vegetables will be planted.

The warm dirt under my fingernails was more than welcomed, especially after the cold and rainy winter spent mostly indoors.

As this opinion piece is being written, the National Weather Service says temperatures could near record highs on Monday in Allentown and the Lehigh Valley.

Even of you don’t have a backyard garden, you can feel the satisfaction of growing and then eating your own herbs and veggies.

Herbs can be planted in small window pots. Tomatoes can be planted in larger pots and various vegetables can grow in small raised beds outside.

Most certainly I will spend Monday afternoon and early evening in the garden.

If only I can find the asparagus I planted last year ...

Deb Palmieri


Parkland Press

Northwestern Press