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I am a Wild Cat.

And there is a mouse somewhere.

I hear the rapid pulse

And I leap and bite its neck

I am a hunter

I am a predator

I am a Wild Cat.

I see a robin looking for worms.

Like a shadow, I hide, preparing to jump,

And like a Vine, it’s limp in my jaws

I am a hunter

I am a predator

I am a Wild Cat

With my catches, I return home

To my den in a shallow cave.

I hear the crickets singing

I hear the bushes rustling

I am a hunter

I am a predator

I am a Wild Cat

I see a badger approaching in the moonlight,

Its vicious claws flexing.

But with a few powerful strikes and it’s gone

I feel proud

I feel strong

I feel like a lion.

I am a hunter

I am a predator

I am a Wild Cat

Lily Mangano

Age 10, Grade 4

Veterans Memorial Elementary School

Parkland School District