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Trump addresses large crowd outside Schnecksville Fire Co.


Special to The Press

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign held a rally April 13 in the field behind Community Fire Co. No. 1, Schnecksville.

The weather for the event was anything but pleasant with temperatures in the 40s and winds gusting to 35 miles per hour.

Despite the weather, thousands and thousands of Trump supporters sat, stood, endured three-hour long lines and Secret Service searches before entering the grounds.

Trump was supposed to begin his speech at 7 p.m. but didn’t begin until 45 minutes later.

He said the delay was because the pilot of his plane did not want to land at the airport in the heavy winds.

“Land the plane,” Trump said he told the pilot.

PRESS PHOTO BY LOU WHEELAND Former President Donald Trump arrives to the roar of an appreciative crowd at the April 13 campaign rally on the grounds of Community Fire Co. No. 1, Schnecksville. Story and additional photos appear on page A5.
PRESS PHOTOS BY LOU WHEELAND Former President Donald Trump addresses his supporters at the campaign rally at Community Fire Co. No. 1, Schnecksville.
Vinnie Raia of Long Island, N.Y. was fully prepared to show his support for former President Donald Trump at the campaign rally.