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SES recognizes Autism Awareness Week

Salisbury Elementary School recognized Autism Awareness Week April 2-5. On April 3, students and staff were encouraged to wear a specific color at each grade level as part of Autism Awareness Week. ABOVE: Students in kindergarten at Salisbury Elementary School wear purple for Autism Awareness Week.
PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB Students in second grade at Salisbury Elementary School wear blue for Autism Awareness Week April 3. Additional photos appear on Page A6.
PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB Orange is the color for Salisbury Elementary School students in third grade to recognize Autism Awareness Week.
Shades of blue are found in the fourth grade classes at Salisbury Elementary School. The color blue is associated with calmness and acceptance and is the primary color for autism.
Sarah Tavarez becomes the “I” in kind at Salisbury Elementary School.
Zoey Kezengwa stands in front of the “Be the I in Kind” bulletin board.
Students in first grade at Salisbury Elementary School wear red in support of Autism Awareness Week.