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Cobra lights on Main Street in Macungie removed

If you have noticed a change on Main Street after dark, it might have something to do with what is missing. The cobra lights, the taller streetlights that were the main source of light on Main Street until the new more fashionable streetlights were added, have been removed. PPL came about a month ago and removed them which was announced at the April 1 Macungie Borough Council meeting.

In other business, public works requested approval for tree trimming work for the Village Walk development from Joshua Tree Experts at a cost of $1,800 which was approved.

Administration requested $2,750 for a residential inspection software module from WorQ, This was approved.

The Macungie Institute heating and air conditioning project had a change order to subtract $7,918 from the original proposal which was approved.

Also approved was the JBM pay application for $147,200.

Alan Printz requested to be appointed as a full member of the Zoning Hearing Board which was approved.

The Mavis Discount Tire project was discussed at the meeting. Kate Durso, attorney for the company, spoke about some of the issues. Parking has been increased from the original plan. The proposed lighted sign will be turned off at 10 p.m.

Continued questions for this project include will this development cause further flooding in the area already prone to flooding. There are also particular questions about Mavis which include the number of mechanics and the amount of retail space.

These questions are on the land development portion of the project which was tabled.

There was an executive session held on real estate, legal and personnel issues.