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Sheckler News: End of marking period is April 3

April 3 marks the end of the third marking period for Sheckler Elementary School students.


Catasauqua Area School District Board of Education will next meet 6 p.m. April 9 in the board room at the district office, 201 N. 14th St.


There is a Home and School Association meeting scheduled for 6-7 p.m. April 11.


Sheckler Elementary yearbooks are on sale for $20. The deadline to order is May 3.

To place and order, visit orders.christmascitystudio.com and enter session password SheckESYB24 and the student’s first and last name.

Yearbooks will be shipped to the school and distributed at the end of the year. All fourth-grade students will receive one free book from Sheckler Home and School Association.


Photos from the fourth-grade science fair have been posted to Sheckler’s Facebook page.

Congratulations to all of the participating students!