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Grundsau Lodge 16 hosts annual banquet


Special to The Press

The banquet hall at Northern Valley EMS, Ormrod, was filled March 1 with fans of the Pennsylvania Germans on March 1.

Haaptmann (president), Grundsau Lodge 16, David Adam of Orefield, was the master of ceremonies.

Adam conducted the meeting in the Pa. German dialect with occasional translations into English.

The program opened with the singing of “America” in Pa. German.

The Rev. Alton Zentner, of Lighthouse Community Church, Lyons, gave the invocation.

A classic Pa. German dinner followed which included sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, pork, sausage, carrots and peas.

Vanilla ice cream completed the meal.

Live music was provided by Joe Krobath on accordion and vocals.

Rob Legath was the drummer and vocalist, as well.

Following dinner, there were several speakers, most speaking in the Pa. German dialect.

An important part of the program was reciting the Grundsau (Groundhog) pledge followed with a drink of tea and a groundhog cookie.

PRESS PHOTOS BY LOU WHEELAND Grundsau Lodge 16 Geldhewer (treasurer) Stan DeLong brings in the Grundsau (groundhog) at the opening of the annual Fersommling un Fescht (meeting and banquet) March 1 at the Northern Valley EMS banquet hall, Ormrod.
Haaptmann (president) Dave Adam leads Grundsau Lodge 16 members on reciting the pledge during the Grundsau Lodge 16 Fersommling un Fescht.
Rev. Alton Zentner, of Lighthouse Community Church, Lyons, opened the Grundsau Lodge 16 dinner and meeting with the invocation at the annual Grundsau Lodge 16 Fersommling un Fescht (meeting and banquet) held March 1 at the Northern Valley EMS (NOVA) banquet hall, Ormrod.
The Rev. Alton Zentner was sporting a Grundsau (groundhog) hat at the Grundsau Lodge 16 Fersommling un Fescht.
Stan DeLong, Grundsau Lodge 16 treasurer, introduced a new presidential candidate, Schnickelfritz, at the annual Grundsau Lodge 16 Fersommling un Fescht (meeting and banquet) March 1 at the NOVA social hall, Ormrod.
Musicians Rob Legath and Joe Krobath provided music at the annual Grundsau Lodge 16 Fersommling un Fescht in the NOVA social hall, Ormrod.
PRESS PHOTOS BY LOU WHEELAND Raatsmann Zachary Haas was the Schtory Verzaehler (storyteller) at the annual Grundsau Lodge 16 Fersommling un Fescht.
Raatsmann (directors) of Grundsau Lodge 16 include: Chris Wartzenluft, Karl Haas, Stan DeLong, Helmut Wicker (rear), Robert Everett, Dave Adam, Dwight Wanamaker (rear), Dennis Loch, Zachary Haas and Steve Roscoe. Additional photos appear on page A2.