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New charter school denied

No surprises at the BASD regular School board meeting at East Hills MS Feb. 26. Bills were paid, reports read, motions made. A hush fell over the room as the last motions of the evening addressed the STEAM Charter School application and the state required adjudication.

The STEAM Charter School application was unanimously denied by a board vote of 9-0 and the adjudication was passed unanimously 9-0. The adjudication is the legal document/explanation, issued by the board, detailing its decision in denying the application.

Simply stated, the 54-page adjudication passed by the BASD stated that the applicant, the Bethlehem STEAM Academy Charter School, was deficient in both budgetary and staffing planning, as well as failing to establish comprehensive learning experiences to all enrolled students. Other concerns not adequately addressed by BSACS included student transportation, unclear lease and ownership of the facility, no plan for compliance training for employees or liability insurance for the school. The complete adjudication regarding BSACS application/document is available on the BASD website.

The following committee meeting was scheduled for March 4 at the Education Center, 1516 Sycamore St.