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Roughies Report: Catasauqua High School’s Paone, Snyder earn LCTI recognition

Every marking period, teachers at Lehigh Career & Technical Institute recognize students for outstanding effort, improvement, achievement and leadership in their career and technical education programs and academic classes. Each student of the quarter enjoys breakfast or lunch, depending on his or her schedule, with school administrators at LCTI’s restaurant. Honorees are presented with certificates and gifts.

Congratulations to LCTI and Catasauqua High School’s Students of the Quarter for the second marking period - ninth-grader Collin Paone, academic center, and Brandon Snyder, SOC supply chain management and logistics technology.


Attention, all CHS freshman, sophomore and junior students: Are you considering one of Lehigh Career & Technical Institute’s lab programs? If so, LCTI is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year.

LCTI helps students get more out of high school, more opportunities to develop practical skills, earn industry credentials, qualify for college credit, win scholarships, explore careers and gain real-world experience. LCTI offers dozens of career and technical education programs that give students a head-start on college while preparing them to pursue high-skill, high-wage, high-demand careers.

To learn more about LCTI and how it prepares high school students for the opportunities ahead of them, visit lcti.org/explore/prospective-students.

The deadline to apply is March 1.


The start of spring sports is right around the corner! The first official date is March 4.

All student-athletes must have received a physical after June 1, 2023, to be eligible to participate in a high school sport for the 2023-24 school year. All forms and paperwork must be returned to the high school athletic office before the start of practices.


Catasauqua Area School District will be closed March 8 for an Act 80 teacher professional day. Lehigh Career & Technical Institute will also be closed for students. Classes will resume March 11.


CHS Drama Club will be presenting Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Cinderella: Enchanted Edition,” set for 7 p.m. March 15-16 and 2 p.m. March 17.

Visit chsdramatickets.com to purchase a $12 online ticket. Tickets will be $15 at the door.