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FIRST HOUR FREE PARKING: The Bethlehem Parking Authority is proud to support the downtown business districts this winter with the “First Hour Free” garage parking promotion, running to March 31.

Between the hours of 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., patrons parking at the North Street Garage, Polk Street Garage, or New Street Garage will automatically have one hour taken off their total payment. The promotion gives residents and visitors an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the convenient features of downtown garage parking and makes it even easier to get downtown and support local businesses – in both the SouthSide Arts District and on Historic Bethlehem’s Main and Broad Streets – with lunchtime dining and shopping.

For further questions or information, please contact the Bethlehem Parking Authority at info@bethpark.org, visit our website at www.bethpark.org, or stay connected through social media.

STUDENT LOAN DISCOUNT: The Pa. Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) is offering a new benefit to PA Forward Student Loan borrowers or co-signers working at an approved state organization. The PA Forward Commonwealth Employee Discount offers a 0.25% interest rate discount on any new PA Forward Student Loan-undergraduate, graduate, parent and refinance-disbursed on or after Dec. 1, 2023.

The 0.25% interest rate reduction is applied on top of the other rate benefits borrowers might qualify for, including a 0.25% Direct Debit interest rate reward when you participate in automatic payments, a 0.50% Graduation Benefit interest rate reward (for undergraduate and graduate loans only) upon graduation, and a 0.35% Loyalty Benefit interest rate reward when consolidating an existing PA Forward Loan into a new Refinance Loan.

To learn more about PA Forward Student Loans and to apply, please visit pheaa.org/PAForward or call 1-800-PA-FORWD.