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Northampton County

HANOVER YARD WASTE: Hanover Township’s yard waste collection Map and Schedule are available on the Township Website: hanovertwp-nc.org.

POLL WORKERS SOUGHT: Northampton County Elections Office is seeking registered voters who live in Northampton County to serve in poll worker positions for the upcoming Primary Election on Tuesday, April 23, and General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

The PA Election Code also permits high school students 17 years of age to serve at the polls in specific capacities.

Poll workers must attend mandatory training before the Primary Election and are also paid for their training time and work on Election Day. Northampton County poll workers may earn between $175 and $200 for serving all of Election Day, depending on the poll worker’s assignments and training. Typical Election Day hours are from 6:30 a.m. until after the polls close at 8 p.m. Individuals who bring supplies back to the Government Center receive additional compensation and mileage.

Registered voters interested in becoming poll workers in your community, email the Northampton County Elections Office at election@norcopa.gov or call 610-829-6260. Any 17-year-old high school student who is interested should complete this form and return it to the Elections Office.

2024 COUNTY FESTIVAL: Ths Northampton County Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) announces that the 2024 County Festival will take place on Oct. 12 at Louise W. Moore Park. The festival will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or shine. The festival is free to attend and will feature food trucks, beer, wine and spirits, crafts, live music, nonprofit organizations, and demonstrations. The event will also include an awards program for outstanding volunteers, youth, veterans, businesses, Samaritan, and emergency and municipal personnel.

Please contact DCED with any questions, 610-829-6309.