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City opens arms to community center input

In a celebration of unity and collaboration, the City of Bethlehem invites all community members to help envision a new Southside community center. This groundbreaking initiative aims to harness the creative spirit and collective wisdom of the residents, marking a pivotal moment in the city’s growth and development.

With the consulting assistance of AOS Architects, MASS Design Group, Taggart Associates, and Ideas & Action, the city is embarking upon a feasibility study of sites and ideas for a new South Bethlehem community center.

PART 1: A Community Anthem: Your Voice, Our Song

As a prelude to an upcoming town hall event March 13, Bethlehem is launching the “Community Anthem Project.” This innovative endeavor encourages residents to submit their ideas, aspirations, and visions for the new community center in the form of short video tributes. They should only take a minute or two. These heartfelt contributions will be woven together to create a powerful “Community Anthem” that resonates with the diverse voices and aspirations of the community.

How to Participate and Share Your Vision

1. Create a Short Video: Craft a brief video expressing your thoughts, dreams, and ideas for the new community center. Whether it’s a personal reflection, a shared story, or a creative vision, every contribution is valued.

2. Submit Your Video Tribute: Share your video tribute by Sunday March 17 through the dedicated online platform Tribute [tribute.co/the-city-of-bethlehem/?invite=copy_link]. The process is simple, you may use your own device and step-by-step instructions are available to guide you through the submission. (For best results, record a video in landscape/horizontal orientation). If you don’t have access to the internet or a device, we invite you to find a tablet kiosk at the Bethlehem Area Public Library Main Branch, 11 W. Church St., and the Southside Branch, 400 Webster St., and the lobby of NCC’s Fowler Family Southside Center, 511 E. Third St.

3. Join the Community Caucus: Please save the Date for an interactive town hall event to discuss different sites and gather insights from your life and experience. On March 13, at 6 p.m.-8 p.m., at the Northampton Community College Fowler Family Southside Center, located at 511 E. Third Street. Child care and Spanish language interpretation will be provided. To anticipate the number of attendees, RSVP is appreciated:

Mayor J. William Reynolds explains why community participation is key.

“This is not just a community center; it’s a collective dream waiting to be realized. The City of Bethlehem believes that true community engagement is about amplifying the voices of every resident, ensuring that the new community center is a reflection of the people it serves,” he said.

“At this moment, the needs couldn’t be greater, and we need your voice to be part of the Community Anthem that will resonate for generations to come. Join us in shaping the future of the Southside of Bethlehem.”

The “Community Anthem” video will be unveiled at the end of the feasibility project (in late Spring 2024), to guide the future design and development of the community center.

Hear from Mayor Reynolds and Council Vice President Rachel Leon about the importance of this work: youtu.be/2_hxOE9xpac

For instructions for how to record watch here: youtu.be/L-JVnkj7aoA

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