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Focus on pedestrians

Press photos by Ed Courrier At center, Chairperson Janine Santoro addresses those attending online. From left: Dr. Kate Jackson, Erin Postel, Santoro, and Glorilex Vasquez.

Walkability and pedestrian safety were among several topics discussed at the Jan. 30 Mayor’s South Side Task Force hybrid meeting held in the NCC Fowler Center.

Erin Postel from the Bethlehem Health Bureau spoke about their safety, violence and injury prevention assessment and survey for city neighborhoods. Funded by a five-year grant, they are collecting data from organizations and individuals in five focused areas on what may be needed to create intervention strategies for litter, and other issues.

As part of the bureau’s walkability assessment, they are checking out if crosswalks are clearly marked and if they are obscured by parked cars, especially on streets near schools.

Attending online, Hannah Milagio from Lehigh Valley Planning Commission added that they are also engaged in assessing walkability regionally, including some of the areas targeted by the health bureau. She suggested they each support the other’s efforts, as LVPC is involved with the Lehigh Valley Transportation Study. They are also involved with the Limited English Proficiency Plan. This survey is tracking areas where non-English language outreach may be needed.

Others attending remotely joined in with updates.

Community Action Development Corp. of Bethlehem Director Anna Smith announced Southside’s Tomorrow is accepting project proposals for 2025. Focus areas include improving housing affordability and quality, communication, connectivity, and public green spaces. Neighborhood informational meetings are scheduled for Feb. 13 and Feb. 22.

Southside’s Tomorrow is a partnership between the City of Bethlehem and CADCB.

Christine Wieder from the Bethlehem Area Public Library South Side Branch described an upcoming bookbinding workshop for students from grades 6-12 and mentioned the branch’s after-school homework help sessions.

Southside Arts District Downtown Manager Erin Zebertavage shared the organization’s recently-released “Annual Report 2023.” Among the year’s highlights she brought up was Bethlehem’s first mosaic stair mural, “Hope In Flight,” being installed on the South Bethlehem Greenway.

Back at the Fowler Center, Chairperson Janine Santoro reminded attendees about the “Bethlehem’s Climate Challenge” online survey and mentioned a recent “Opening Doors” presentation is available online at WeBuild.Bethlehem-PA.gov.

While walking attendees through the website, she explained the first “Opening Doors” community meeting was held Jan. 24. “This is from the Community Economic Development department,” said Santoro. The presentation slides addressed area affordable housing issues and goals. “This is an ongoing discussion.” added Santoro.

Santoro announced the South Side Community Caucus has scheduled a meeting March 13 at the NCC Fowler Center at 6 p.m. They plan to discuss the South Side Community Center Feasibility Study with Atkins Olshin Schade + MASS Design group team and Taggart and Associates Better Blocks for Bethlehem Organizational Survey and Resident Survey.

According to Santoro, there are still open seats on several authorities, boards and commissions. The Bethlehem Police Department continues to seek recruits and Santoro mentioned some open positions at City Hall need to be filled as well.

Glorilex Vasquez, legislative assistant to State Rep. Steve Samuelson, mentioned a $108,650 state grant, secured by Samuelson and State Rep. Jeanne McNeill (D), was recently awarded to the city of Bethlehem to update its recreation plan.

The state’s rent rebate program has begun again with an increase in income eligibility. Samuelson’s office can assist constituents with the paperwork, as well as other services.

Lehigh educator Dr. Kate Jackson said her class project on community rubbish collection and littering issues continues gathering data on “good or bad” experiences from residents of area neighborhoods.

Santoro mentioned the YWCA Courageous Conversations Series: Economic Stability is scheduled for April 1, at 6 p.m. at the NCC Fowler Center.

There are sponsorship opportunities available for the Hispanic Center Lehigh Valley’s “Fiesta Dominican Republic 2024” at Wind Creek’s Foundry Ballroom. The gala is to be held May 17 at 5:30 p.m.

Santoro spoke about Pennsylvania’s providing universal free breakfast for public school students as part of the 2023-24 budget and Gov. Shapiro’s administration is working to ensure students continue receiving healthy meals during the summer.