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Middle school safety and security personnel requested

The East Penn Board of School Directors were asked to consider hiring two unarmed security officers for the district’s middle schools at the Feb. 12 regular meeting.

Before getting down to the heavy lifting of topics for the more than 3-hour-long meeting, everyone was treated to some puppy love by Michael Mihalik, Supervisor of Secondary Curriculum & Instruction (STEM) who brought along “Branch” as he described the district’s therapy dog program.

As she introduced the 4-member presentation team promoting hiring middle level safety and security personnel, School Superintendent Dr. Kristen Campbell mentioned that while the administration would like to have a school resource officer in each middle school, it would have to be sometime in the future.

Presenters for the proposed hiring of two unarmed security personnel included Assistant Superintendent Dr. Douglas Povilaitis, Director of Student Services Dr. Thomas Mirabella, Lower Macungie Middle School Principal Sallie Yencho and Eyer Middle School Principal Thomas Ruhf.

The presenters explained the officers were needed to manage and monitor arrival and dismissal procedures, monitor hallways and common spaces for lunches, during transition times and during instructional periods. This would free up administrative personnel and staff assistants to handle academic-related duties.

These full-time district employees would respond to building incidents and emergencies including vape alarms, medical emergencies and maintain safety at school events. Duties include participating in investigations and searches in conjunction with the administration as well as securing all parties engaged in conflict.

Candidates for the position would be carefully screened. Besides having patience and a sense of humor, the officer would be given SRO training in first aid and related skills and serve as a role model while building friendly, but respectful relationships with students and staff through positive interactions.

The board was given an opportunity to review a draft of the 2024-2025 East Penn School District Student/Teacher Calendar.

Povilaitis explained the calendar features 183 student days and 190 teacher days, with two inclement weather makeup days already built into the calendar. If needed, additional inclement weather days would include April 16, 2025 as a full day or if three closings occur on or before April 1, 2025, there will be early dismissal April 17, 2025. The tentative start day for the new school year is Aug. 26, 2025 with graduation tentative for June 8, 2025.

If fewer than three inclement weather days are used, the last day of school will be June 7, 2025. Otherwise, June 11, 12, 13, 16 and 17, 2025 will be makeup days if needed.

Board members were also given a first look at the 2024-2025 budget. Presented by Treasurer and Business Administrator Robert Saul, this review of district revenues is just one component of the administration’s ongoing budget process.

Saul explained he uses the 2022-2023 ending fund balance of $25,845,904 (finalized in December 2023 after an audit) as the starting point for his estimated budget. After subtracting an estimated budget deficit of $2,180,846, the estimated beginning fund balance for 2024-2025 would be $23,665,058.

Using a pie chart, Saul showed 75 percent of revenue is brought in through local taxes, as well as earnings from investments and a few miscellaneous sources.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides 24 percent of the district’s revenue through subsidies such as basic education and special education funding, pupil transportation, grants and retirement reimbursement.

Federal funding makes up the final one percent sliver of the district’s revenue with Title I, Title II, Title III and Title IV support, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund and medical access reimbursement.

Saul reminded the directors they had already voted in November 2023 that any possible tax increase will not exceed the ACT 1 Index.

A presentation of an overview of budget expenditures is scheduled for the next meeting with final adoption of the 2024-2025 budget taking place in June.

President Dr. Joshua Levinson mentioned an executive session was held before the public forum 7 p.m. on personnel and confidential matters.

The district will be closed Feb. 19 in honor of Presidents Day.

The next regular school board meeting is scheduled 7:30 p.m. Feb. 26. The public can access documents through BoardDocs via a link on the district website. Livestreaming of meetings is available on the district’s YouTube channel.