Published January 31. 2024 10:30AM
by CHRISTINA SANTO Special to The Press
At its Dec. 7, 2023, meeting, Northampton County Council approved Executive Lamont McClure’s $538 million budget.
The 2024 budget kept the real estate tax at 10.8 mills. McClure has not raised taxes in his two terms as executive. In fact, in 2022, taxes were lowered.
County council proposed amendments to McClure’s budget.
One of those was a $500,000 student loan payment assistance program for those with county jobs. John Cusick felt this program would incentivize people to work for the county.
Ronald Heckman felt differently, saying, “I have no problem with a student loan assistance plan. I’d prefer to see the money go into better wages.”
Tara Zrinski had doubts about funding a program that doesn’t exist. She thought the county should establish parameters, such as percentage or reimbursement, and questioned if employees need to stay in their position for years before they’re eligible for reimbursement before funding it. Creating a program with no parameters could turn into a “money pit” that the county can’t fund, she said.
Eventually, a motion was made to pass the budget without the student loan program, but it was only supported by Zrinski and John Goffredo.
In other business, council approved ordinance 764-2023, amending rules and regulations for county council meetings.
Four items were added to the code of civility, including both electronic and written communication between council members is prohibited during debate and discussion unless disclosed as public comment, and any member of council can move to suspend the rules of order for a specific topic of discussion.
Heckman felt his proposed additions would prevent meetings from going off the rails, which, he added, is no one’s fault when dealing with a body of nine people.
County council next meets 6:30 p.m. Feb. 1 at the county building, 669 Washington St., Easton.