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After the new year and Christmas break, Lehigh Valley Charter HS for the Arts (Charter Arts) has started its year off with some new events showcasing the young talent that is prominent at the school, and eager to share their voices with the local community. While much of nature is dormant at this time, the school is thriving with its planned showcases.

Jan. 26 was when in person auditions for placement in the school took place. Many students submit to the school for the different majors such as Literary Arts, Dance, Theatre, Music, Vocals, and Visual Arts. Each year the process brings fresh new voices to the community and it is highly welcomed and encouraged for students who are interested in joining Charter Arts, from rising ninth to 12th graders, to submit their work and add their voices to the school’s diverse body.

On the same day, and through Jan. 28, “School For Scandal” was performed by the theater department as a witty satire and comedy of the pretentious English society in the late 1700s. The Winter Piano Recital was held Jan. 30, showcasing the talents of multiple different pianists from the school.

The school welcomes the local communities to attend and support the young artists who not only strive for, but display excellence in their daily, and creative endeavors.
