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Update on the Kline’s Island Sewer System provided

Upper Milford Supervisors received an update from Chief Executive Officer of Lehigh County Authority Liesel M. Gross on the Kline’s Island Sewer System at the Jan. 18 meeting.

Gross provided some background information, explaining how 15 municipalities of the county, including a portion of Upper Milford, are interconnected to the same sewer system, with everything flowing through the Kline’s Island Sewage Plant. Over 270,000 people across the Lehigh Valley are part of the system.

The main issue of concern with KISS is the aging infrastructure and leakage of the pipes and manholes, according to Gross.

“The system in some portions is 100 years old, some components are 100 years old or older and reaching the end of their useful life,” she said.

The plan to upgrade, rehabilitate and expand the sewer system is called Act 537. It is subject to the Department of Environmental Protection for approval and must detail issues such as funding and customer impact.

All municipalities must sign off on the plan before it is submitted to DEP. The target date for submission is March 2025.

Gross confirmed she has already had meetings with Township Manager Bud Carter to ensure Upper Milford residents’ needs are met.

Additional information on KISS and Act 537 can be found at lehighcountysewer.org.

Ruk Christy, who has a financial background, was appointed to the library board for a term ending Jan. 4, 2027.

Lisa Underwood is the new Emmaus Public Library director. She was set to begin in her new role Jan. 22.

Susan Mohr, with the Vera Cruz Community Association, wrote a letter requesting special fire police for community events this year.

The supervisors approved the request.

The Vera Cruz Community Association will host an Easter Egg Hunt 1 p.m. March 30, Homecoming noon to 8 p.m. Aug. 18 and a Halloween parade 6:30-9 p.m., Oct. 1 with an Oct. 19 rain date.

Supervisor Daniel Mohr informed the board the Vera Cruz Community Association is looking for a stage to rent for one of its events. He is requesting help to secure a stage.

There was a brief discussion on road conditions, from snow removal to black ice, due to recent storms in the area.

Supervisor Angela Ashbrook raised her concerns about road conditions, citing recent storms have resulted in state roads not being cleared properly and ice patches making things difficult.

Carter indicated the only thing the township can do is write to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation on the situation.

The meeting ended with Chair John Zgura requesting the financial challenges facing both fire departments be added to the agenda of the next meeting.

PRESS PHOTO BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE Chief Executive Officer of Lehigh County Authority Liesel M. Gross presents an update to the Upper Milford Township Supervisors about the Kline's Island Sewer System Jan. 18.