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Thanks offered to emergency services personnel

Emmaus Borough Council held its second meeting of the month Jan. 15; during the community minute, Councilman Roy Anders wanted to remind those in the community youth baseball and softball sign-ups are taking place and hoped those interested would join.

Emmaus Borough Manager Shane Pepe gave thanks to the emergency services teams in the borough for their work in coordinating the logistics for President Joe Biden’s visit to Emmaus Jan. 12.

There were no special presentations for the night.

The Jan. 2 meeting minutes were approved by council. There were no decisions on bids.

In communications, council addressed a few different items. Emmaus Police Department clerk Joanna Vanamon’s resignation was acknowledged and a letter of appreciation was read for exemplary efforts by Sgt. Robert Alburger and Officer Austen Thompson for showing up at the Merchantile Club for someone who was in cardiac arrest from Assistant Ambulance Chief Adam Priest.

Additionally, an event request for the Emmaus 4 Mile event was turned over to borough staff.

The solicitor gave an update on two brief items regarding administrative work.

In unfinished business, Part 1, council voted on Ordinance No. 1254. The ordinance, which pertains to creating an official map for the borough, was given its second reading after being initially presented Nov. 20, 2023. Council approved the ordinance in a unanimous vote.

There were no items in new business, unfinished business, part II, nor were any new items introduced during the meeting.

Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert was so thankful for everyone who participated in welcoming Biden to Emmaus. She said it was a historic event for the borough and was so happy it went so smoothly.

The committee report section of the meeting did not have many items of action. In budget and finance, the bill list was the only item approved. The bill list totaled $540,492.17.

The borough manager’s report outlined the hiring of part-time EMT Mariellen Kehler and part-time paramedic David Hickey, along with establishing the 2024 employee and volunteer safety committee.

There were no items within the president’s business and no comments made at the end of the meeting. The meeting was then adjourned.

The next Emmaus Borough Council meeting will be held 6 p.m. Feb. 5 at Emmaus Borough Hall, 28 N. Fourth St.