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East Allen discusses bridge concerns

The North Halbea Street bridge in East Allen Township has been a topic of discussion at previous East Allen Township Board of Supervisors meetings. The bridge discussion emerged again at the Jan. 11 supervisors meeting.

Township Manager Brent Green said the bridge is deteriorating at a reportedly faster rate and now is being inspected every six months to assess damage. He added that, because of its current deteriorating state, the bridge could possibly be beyond repair.

Green recommended the issue be addressed at a future workshop meeting dedicated to the bridge issue and invite the public, particularly residents in the area of the bridge who use it daily. Supervisor Chair Roger Unangst asked Green to set up a meeting and alert the public via an email blast and generate a flier to announce the special meeting.

The meeting would likely be held in March or April, Green noted. A concern is the replacement of the bridge may cost more than $3 million.

In other business, meeting minutes from the Nov. 8, 2023; Dec. 13, 2023; and the Jan. 2 meetings were approved. The board also ratified general fund checks 2500-2568, totaling $129,112.36.

The board adopted resolution 2024-06 for the Snowdrift self-storage building sewage planning module, second component. All resolutions and ordinances are available for review by contacting the township office.

The recommendation to purchase a light-duty dump truck at no more than $144,199 was debated and approved.

There was a discussion regarding First Regional Compost Authority’s decision to have limited hours on Saturdays. It was reported the limited hours on a weekend is not the best service for residents, as many do their yard work on that day. It was suggested perhaps First Regional Compost Authority can re-examine its Saturday hours.

FRCA is located at 6701 Weaversville Road, Northampton. The residential drop-off hours are 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays and then 8 a.m.-1 p.m. the first and third Saturdays of a month. Visit the website for information at frcauthority.org or call 610-262-1000.

The next board of supervisors meeting will be 7 p.m. Jan. 25. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit eatwp.org for the call-in numbers to view the meeting virtually.