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GREAT DECISIONS Lecture Series opens February 7

The annual Great Decisions Lecture Series will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in February and March. The dates and topics are Feb. 7: Mideast Realignment; Feb. 14: Climate Technology and Competition; Feb. 21: Science Across Borders; Feb. 28: U.S. -China Trade Rivalry; March 6: NATO’s Future; March 13: Understanding Indonesia; March 20: High Seas Treaty and March 27: Pandemic Preparedness.

The dates and topics are subject to change without prior notice; check the website for notifications. Programs are at Kirkland Village Retirement Community, 1 Kirkland Village Circle. Visit https://local.aarp.org/event/great-decisions-lecture-series-2024-02-14-bethlehem-pa.html for detailed information and directions.